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How Can a Women’s Rehab Center Help Me with Recovery?

women talking in a group in women's rehab center

When choosing a rehab center, it is vital to consider if a particular program will accommodate your specific needs. For many patients, gender-specific rehab allows them to trust their surroundings better, leading to improved overall success. At Midwest Center at Youngstown, Ohio, our women’s addiction treatment program in Youngstown can help you feel a greater sense of trust in the recovery process while we commence physical and emotional healing. Contact our team today at 844.544.0502 to learn about how our women’s rehab center may provide the key to your lasting sobriety.

What Is a Women’s Rehab Center?

Although every individual develops a substance abuse problem due to a unique set of circumstances, there are certain specific issues that tend to arise more commonly amongst women. For example, women more widely become drawn to drugs or alcohol as a coping mechanism for unprocessed trauma, but are less likely to pursue treatment if they act as caretakers. They are also more likely to be victims of violence at the hand of the opposite sex.

Many professionals believe that women may benefit more from rehab when living in a gender-specific facility, allowing them to dig deeper into the previous experiences that contributed to the development of a substance abuse problem. Women’s rehab programs are only composed of female patients. Although the general treatment framework remains the same, this model allows patients to focus on specific, gender-based issues relevant to their recovery and will enable women who are reticent to feel safe in co-ed settings a sense of immediate safety and security. 

What Are the Benefits of a Women’s Rehab Program?

Women experience many gender-specific physiological differences in detox. For example, their smaller physical frames and hormonal profile mean that they metabolize drugs and alcohol more quickly than their male counterparts, which means they can develop dependencies more quickly. However, the overall effects of alcohol and drugs may alter their physical chemistry more dramatically, requiring different medical supports to detox their essential organs safely. There is also some evidence to suggest that pregnant women generally respond better to treatment within a women’s rehab program. 

Some of the benefits of a women’s rehab center include:

  • An increased comfortability in discussing negative experiences with men (especially former victims of sexual violence) 
  • The ability to take a break from caretaking roles with other patients facing similar concerns, reducing overall feelings of guilt and shame 
  • Chances to discuss the nuanced social roles of women in society, including the many pressures and high expectations that may have contributed to their substance abuse problem
  • The opportunity to focus on co-occurring disorders and negative behavior patterns more typical among women, such as depression, bipolar disorder, disordered eating, low self-esteem, and the tendency to develop self-defeating behaviors
  • Allowing patients to engage with their peers in an environment that values community and social connection
  • A more tolerant dynamic within group therapy sessions, allowing LGBTQ individuals to feel more fully accepted 
  • Greater availability of female staff, doctors, and clinicians 

Finally, women’s rehab programs allow patients to capitalize on women’s more common ability to thrive within informal mentor/mentee relationships. This dynamic allows every exchange with fellow patients the opportunity to reinforce concepts introduced in therapy.  It may even lead to the establishment of a lasting support network during and beyond aftercare. 

Women’s Addiction Treatment Program at Midwest Center at Youngstown

The road to recovery can be challenging for all, but it can be made considerably easier within a trusting, compassionate environment where each patient feels safe and included. At Midwest Center at Youngstown, we can get you started on this journey today. Call our team at 844.544.0502 to see whether women’s rehab is the right choice for you.