Since addiction is not one-size-fits-all, treatment plans must also be flexible and accommodate the recovery needs of many different individuals. Levels of care can range from residential treatment, which provides the most structure, to a typical outpatient program that offers the most flexibility and freedom. For many people who complete residential treatment, a partial hospitalization program in Youngstown, OH, is the next logical step in their recovery.
If you need a high level of support to maintain your recovery but cannot commit to an inpatient stay or have already completed one, reach out to Midwest Center at Youngstown. Our Ohio partial hospitalization program (PHP) helps you transition to life outside the treatment facility. Call us today at 844.544.0502 with any questions about how our PHP works.
How Long Is a Partial Hospitalization Program?
While you should not rush through addiction treatment, it is understandable to want to know how long the program is and how much time commitment is required. After all, you probably want to get back to your everyday life as soon as you can.
So, how long is a PHP? There may be differences between treatment facilities, but a partial hospitalization program lasts about four weeks on average. Just as with residential treatment, the length of your program may vary depending on several factors, including:
- Your recovery progress – Your treatment team will evaluate how far you have come in the program. They may consider whether you have experienced relapse, have followed through on recommendations, and actively participate in therapy sessions.
- Your ability to commit to the program – For some people, spending longer than necessary in an intensive treatment program like a PHP may not be possible. You may not be able to take more time off from work or school to accommodate a PHP for longer than the standard four weeks. Your treatment team may then transition you to the next level of treatment. This intensive outpatient program consists of shorter treatment sessions.
- The supportiveness of your home environment – If people in your home continue to drink or use drugs after you begin your recovery, it will be difficult for you to continue living there and remain sober. Your treatment team may recommend sober housing or suggest you stay in a PHP until your recovery is more stable.
While the length of a partial hospitalization program can vary, typically, you can plan for a four-week commitment.
Do You Need a PHP?
Choosing the right level of care for your recovery is essential for your success. You may prefer the freedom of living at home that a partial hospitalization program and other outpatient programs offer. But in some cases, you may truly need residential treatment to set the stage for lasting recovery. Here are some questions to ask yourself when determining if a PHP is right for you:
- Is your addiction severe? Residential treatment may be your best bet if you require drugs or alcohol to get through the day. If you absolutely cannot commit to an inpatient stay, talk to an addiction treatment professional about the possibility of a PHP. When combined with medication to stave off cravings and withdrawal symptoms, the frequent, lengthy sessions required by a partial hospitalization program may be adequate for your sobriety.
- How supportive is your home environment? As mentioned above, living in an environment free of drugs and alcohol is vital to your recovery. A PHP is great for those who have a supportive family, friends, or roommates who can stick by your side as you heal.
- Do you have co-occurring mental health conditions? If you struggle with severe depression or have suicidal thoughts, you may be safest in residential treatment so you can receive around-the-clock monitoring until you are more stable. If you are not in danger of self-harm or violence toward others, a PHP may be a good fit.
If you believe a partial hospitalization program may be right for you but are concerned about the length of the program, keep in mind that your dedication to the program and your recovery will directly affect how long your PHP will run.
Get Support at Midwest Center at Youngstown
If you need an Ohio partial hospitalization program to provide you with intensive support for addiction recovery with the flexibility to return home each evening, reach out to Midwest Center at Youngstown. Call us at 844.544.0502 to schedule an intake assessment today.